What Our Customers Say
"The work that Mark and FusionWare have done for us over the years have made real differences to our organisation and I am certain they will continue to help bring this long established organisation kicking and screaming into the modern connected world."
- Edward Smith - IT Services & Data Manager - Wiltshire Friendly Society
"I work as the sole IT function of my employer, a small mutual income protection insurance provider. Among our many systems, we have a legacy flat-file DBMS which houses the bulk of our working membership data. The decision was made several years ago to maintain this system as our central hub and develop other management systems around it e.g. New Business, Claims, Document Management.
During the development of our Claims Management Database, we were introduced to Mark Schramm and the team at FusionWare Inc. They had developed a solution which allowed us to better access the data within our legacy system and to export it to a modern SQL database.
Since that initial meeting, we have continued to work with Mark and his team on several projects, including a system for importing Excel based insurance rates into the legacy system and they have now taken over development of our claims management database.
In the last 12 months, we began work on a standalone frontend for the legacy database, built using the Windows Template Studio. This was a revelation for us, as it allowed us to rapidly develop our interface using best practices out of the box. As someone who has to wear many hats throughout the day, this proved to be very easy to pickup and Mark was able to help us to develop a working system, with real benefits for our operational team in a few short weeks. Development continues and we are now in the early stages of producing our own API (working again with FusionWare) which will allow real-time access to our legacy data. This is going to be a real game changer for the organisation, and I look forward to the developments this work will enable.
Working directly with Mark over several years, and always remotely, has been a great experience for me. His wealth of knowledge, patience and wickedly dry sense of humour has allowed me to learn a great deal about modern development techniques and to improve my own personal productivity. We have moved all development over to Azure DevOps which has already saved us countless man hours with its version control and approval processes. The work that Mark and FusionWare have done for us over the years have made real differences to our organisation and I am certain they will continue to help bring this long established organisation kicking and screaming into the modern connected world."
Edward Smith - IT Services & Data Manager

Wiltshire Friendly Society